QQ:398018497 745352506
Main specifications and characters of SAM938D loader
1、采用中央铰接式车架,转弯半径小,机动灵活,侧向稳定性好,便于在狭窄场地作业。Central articulated frame, small turning radius, mobile and flexible, lateral stability, ease of operation in the narrow space.
2、人性化设计,视野宽阔,驾驶灵活。Easy-to-read gauges display and ergonomically designed controls make the driving convenient and comfortable
3、采用了气顶油钳盘式四轮制动系统保证行车安全,制动平稳,安全可靠;驻车采用钳盘式制动Air over hydraulic disc brake on 4 wheels system and expire brake is used in brake system, which has large brake force and makes stable brake and high safety
4、采用全液压转向,动力换档变速,工作装置液压操纵,整机操作轻便灵活,动作平稳可靠。Full hydraulic steering, power shift transmission, hydraulic control device work with two lightweight flexible operation, action smooth and reliable
5、双泵合流和同轴流量放大系统提高了工作效率和经济性Twin pump-merging flow of working pump and steering pump. when the machine is not steering more engine power is available to breakout and lift forces. Resulting in increased economy
The big loading engine side covers made in steel are of good appearance and suitable for maintenance
Pilot hydraulic implement controls make operate easy and comfortable
Performance | 1 | 额定载重量 rated loading | 3000kg |
2 | 整机重量 overall weight | 10500kg | |
3 | 斗容量 bucket capacity | 1.8m3 | |
4 | 最大牵引力 maximum traction force | 95KN | |
5 | 最大掘起力 maximum breakout force | 127KN | |
6 | 最大爬坡能力 maximum grade ability | 30℃ | |
7 | 最大卸载高度 maximum dump height | 3150mm | |
8 | 最大卸载距离 maximum dump reach | 1200mm | |
9 | 整机外形尺寸 overall dimension (L×W×H) | 7110*2500*3100mm | |
10 | 最小转弯半径 minimum turning radius | 6060mm | |
发动机Engine | 11 | 型号model | WP6G125E331(III) |
12 | 型式type | 电控高压共轨Electrically controlled high-pressure common rail | |
13 | 汽缸数-缸径*行程NO. of cylinder-bore*stroke | 6-108*125 | |
14 | 额定功率 rated power | 92kw—2200r/min | |
15 | 最大扭矩 maximum torque | 500N.m | |
16 | 最低燃油消耗率 min. fuel-consume ratio | ≦210Kw/ h | |
传动系统 Transmission system | 17 | 变矩器型式 torque converter | YJ315-X |
18 | 变速箱型式 gearbox mode | 动力换挡power shift, | |
19 | 档位数 gears | 前进档4个,倒退档2个 4 forward 2 reverse | |
20 | 最高车速 maximum speed | 40km/h | |
驱动桥Drive axles | 21 | 主减速式: main reducing spiral | 螺旋伞齿轮一级减速bevel gear grade 1reduction |
22 | 轮边减速型式 decelerating mode | 一级行星减速 Planetary reduction grade 1 | |
23 | 轴距 wheel base (mm) | 2850mm | |
24 | 轮距 wheel tread | 1800mm | |
25 | 最小离地间隙 ground clearance | 370mm | |
液压系统 Hydraulic system | 26 | 系统工作压力 system working pressure | 18MPa |
27 | 动臂提升时间 boom lifting time | 4.5 | |
28 | 三项和 total time | 8.8±0.5s | |
制动系统 Brake system | 31 | 行车制动 service brake | 气顶油钳盘式四轮制动 air assist disc brake on 4 wheels |
32 | 驻车制动 parking brake | 手动嵌盘式 Manual disk brake | |
轮胎 Tyre | 33 | 规格 type specification | 17.5-25 |
34 | 前轮气压 front tyre pressure | 0.4Mpa | |
35 | 后轮气压 rear tyre pressure | 0.35Mpa |